Life is a journey…


I wear my faith on my sleeve and I strive to live a life of integrity and intention. I am a joy-seeker, an off-road enthusiast and scripture lover.


When the Holy Spirit came to the disciples who were gathered together, it didn’t happen quietly! There was a great wind, fire and much commotion. This is the force we have within us, given at baptism (actually breathed into us by God) to ignite our faith and conquer the world!

The Holy Spirit is in us but we don’t always acknowledge it.

  • When we awaken the Spirit within we have the COURAGE to seek faith to overcome fear.

  • We find UNDERSTANDING in the pages of scripture, through the stories of our ancestors of a God who loves us.

  • The WISDOM to know that there are things we aren’t supposed to know (such as the time or season for things to come) and to believe in things we cannot see such as the mysteries of the faith that cannot be explained.

  • There is KNOWLEDGE gained through the wisdom and understanding which we can apply to how to conduct ourselves and how to live our lives.

  • We learn to seek COUNSEL from God and others whom we trust will help us make good decisions, practicing prudence.

  • Making it a practice to show REVERENCE to God by honoring the commandments, showing respect by giving God authority in our lives.

  • All leads to the WONDER AND AWE (fear of the Lord) we feel when seeing God as the creator of all that is good!

That is what we have within us because we have been enabled by the Holy Spirit. Have you unleashed this power that is within you? When you have, there is no stopping you from standing up and shouting praise to God! When you live with the Spirit leading you, sharing these gifts through your words and actions, you are changing the world with every breath that you take!


Send Forth

Send Forth

Go and Teach

Go and Teach